WORKSELECTED PROJECTS FILTER BY: CATEGORYAll Athletic Facilities Dining & Kitchens Educational Institutions Historical Hospital/OSHPD/Medical Houses of Worship Industrial Laboratories LEED Public Works Senior Living Theatres/Galleries Balch Hall & Auditorium, Scripps College California & Founders Halls, UC Redlands Citrus Packing House Carnegie Hall, Pomona College Clark III Norton, Pomona College Crookshank Hall, Pomona College Elizabeth Hubert Malott Commons, Scripps College Erdman, Wylie, and Bell-Young Dormitories, Occidental College Grossmont Hall, University of Redlands Leo Carrillo Ranch Pearsons Hall Remodel, Pomona College Packard Building CBU Organic Chemistry Laboratory Burke Historical Office Building Barbara & Art Culver Center, UC Riverside Garrison Theater, Scripps College James Swan Hall, Occidental College Athletic Facility & Parking Structure, Scripps College YMCA of the East Valley Aliso Viejo Ranch UCI CGF 19/20 Building Envelopes, Irvine Cannon Plaza, Occidental College