WORKSELECTED PROJECTS FILTER BY: CATEGORYAll Athletic Facilities Dining & Kitchens Educational Institutions Historical Hospital/OSHPD/Medical Houses of Worship Industrial Laboratories LEED Public Works Senior Living Theatres/Galleries Johnson Middle School Armacost Library, University of Redlands Balch Hall & Auditorium California & Founders Halls, UC Redlands Carnegie Hall, Pomona College Couch's Corner, California Baptist University Habit Burger, California Baptist University Health Science Campus, California Baptist University HSC Athletics Performance Center, California Baptist University Lancer Plaza Entrway, California Baptist University Nursing Annex, California Baptist University CBU Online University Place/Village Student Housing, California Baptist University Norton III Clark, Pomona College Crookshank Hall, Pomona College Grimm Student Union Cafeteria Renovation, Concordia University, Irvine Currier Gym Remodel, University of Redlands Elizabeth Hubert Malott Commons, Scripps College Erdman, Wylie, and Bell-Young Dormitories, Occidental College Frary Dining Facility, Pomona College Grossmont Hall, University of Redlands Irvine Commons Plaza Cafe, University of Redlands JSerra Catholic High School, Phase I Linfield Christian High School A-100 Building Remodel, Miramar College Parsons Design Clinic, Harvey Mudd College Pearsons Hall Remodel, Pomona College Rancho Community Church Connecting Point CBU James West Laboratory CBU James East Physics & Biology Laboratories CBU Organic Chemistry Laboratory Barbara & Art Culver Center, UC Riverside Garrison Theater, Scripps College James Swan Hall, Occidental College Real Journey Academies School of Dentistry Radiology, Loma Linda University Athletic Facility & Parking Structure, Scripps College Ted Runner Stadium, University of Redlands Thompson Aquatic Center, University of Redlands UCR Classroom & Lab Upgrade UCR Commons & Bookstore Upgrade Student Housing, Claremont Graduate University Irvine Commons Bulldog Cafe Update, University of Redlands UCI CGF 19/20 Building Envelopes, Irvine Cannon Plaza, Occidental College Indian Springs High School Softball Field, Concordia University Irvine